Trust Score 3.0 – Proof of Reserves (Assets & Liabilities)
2022 has been a tumultuous year in crypto to say the least. The impression left behind by the crashing of several high-profile industry players has
2022 has been a tumultuous year in crypto to say the least. The impression left behind by the crashing of several high-profile industry players has
Hello Geckos! We are excited to announce that CoinGecko Premium will be undergoing a major revamp! Over the past year, we have significantly ramped up
Good day, Geckos! As we recount the events of 2021, we see how far we’ve come and how much was done throughout the year. 2021
Bootstrapped in 2014, CoinGecko has since grown to serve almost all corners of the crypto market. From curious casual users to day traders, crypto companies,
Multi Portfolio – Track ALL your crypto assets! We’re super stoked to release an update to our much loved Portfolio feature to help you push
CoinGecko is pleased to announce that we will be supporting Band Protocol with the next iteration of their decentralised oracle network. Our comprehensive cryptocurrency market
Wow, 2020 flew by in the blink of an eye! It has been a crazy year with so many exciting things happening. From calm markets,
Trust Score has been the cornerstone of our exchange ranking algorithm designed to include the multiple facets of what an active and secure cryptocurrency exchange
信用分数解释(更新于2020年7月份) 在传统市场中,高交易量等于高流动性。但是,在加密市场中,高交易量并不一定等于高流动性。这是因为许多不受监管的交易所从事刷交易量和其他操纵行为,以增加其交易量。 作为领先的加密资产数据平台之一,CoinGecko致力于做必要的事情,为我们的用户提供信息,以帮助他们做出更明智的决策。我们完全意识到市场需要透明度,CoinGecko致力于改善这一透明度。 为了打击虚假的交易量数据,我们开发了一种称为“信用分数”的评分算法。自2019年5月成立以来,我们已经成功修改了自己的所有排名,并随后在整个行业范围内进行了升级,开始按流动性衡量而非按照其报告的数据进行衡量。 在CoinGecko上,交易对和交易所不再按它们所报告的那样排名,而是根据各种相关指标进行更全面的排名,我们将所有这些打包为“信用分数”,以使其一目了然。 信用评分可衡量活跃交易的加密货币或加密货币交易所应具有的多个方面–即流动性,交易活动,规模,技术专长等。 在2019年,我们推出了两个版本的信用分数,紧接着我们又于2020年7月份对原版本进行更新,改进了信用评分的算法: • 信用分数 1 (May 2019) – 根据与网络流量,流动性和交易活动相关的指标对交易对进行排名。• 信用分数 2 (Sep 2019) – 根据网络流量,流动性,规模和API覆盖范围对交易所进行排名• 信用分数网络安全更新版 (July 2020) – 在信用分数2的评估基准上增加了网络安全评估项。
The crypto industry struggles with the growing issue of wash-trading and falsified volumes amongst cryptocurrency exchanges. Our hypothesis is that exchanges are manipulating trading volumes